
建筑学留学|2013年11月21日 14:54
 This year 1,659 B.Arch. and M.Arch. Students registered their opinions in the DesignIntelligence student survey. 2013年年DesignIntelligence杂志的问卷大调查共有1659名建筑学本科生和硕士参与。


  This year 1,659 B.Arch. and M.Arch. Students registered their opinions in the DesignIntelligence student survey. 2013年年DesignIntelligence杂志的问卷大调查共有1659名建筑学本科生和硕士参与。

  How they grade the quality of their program overall 关于项目的教学质量

  Excellent 56% 优秀

  Above Average 34% 还行

  Average 8% 一般般

  Below average 2% 不太好

  Failing 0% 很烂

  Believe they’ll be well prepared for their profession upon graduation 相信毕业的时候他们已经为工作做好了充分的准备

  Yes 92%

  No 8%

  What they’ll do after graduation 毕业以后的打算

  Pursue an advanced degree in architecture 18% 继续在建筑领域深造

  Pursue an advanced degree in something other than architecture 3% 继续在其他领域深造

  Work in a private practice 56% 去私人工作室工作

  Work for a corporation 2% 去大公司工作

  Work in academia 2% 去学术界工作

  Work in government 1% 去政府部门工作

  Be self-employed 3% 自己创业

  Volunteer or work for a nonprofit or community service organization 2% 为非盈利组织工作或者做志愿者

  Work in a field other than architecture 2% 从事非建筑的工作

  Undecided 10% 还没决定



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